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发表于 2009-3-20 15:10:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


现在我自己接触的各类音乐还很少,但总感觉不少国外的音乐听起来是那丰富,再看看比利时的Michel Voncken,键盘弹得真是出神入化,你似乎可以通过你的弹奏感觉到他的情感变化。反正是很舒服。




  • Play pieces that you enjoy playing or pieces that you know well! 弹奏你很熟悉的曲子。
  • Never give up. The fingering, speed, and chords in some pieces may be frustrating and difficult, but push through it. If you get frustrated, step away from the piano for a few minutes until you are ready to play again. 决不放弃。一些曲子的指法,速度,和弦可能会让你受挫、感觉困难,但还是要坚持。如果有遇到困难,先离开琴一会儿,直到你做好继续弹奏的准备。
  • The more you practice, the better you will perform. 你练得越多,就会弹得更好。
  • If you're at a recital and your hands shake wildly, sit on your hands for a few minutes before you go out to play. It calms them down. 如果你参加了一个独奏会,而你的手抖得厉害,请先坐在自己的双手上几分钟。这样就能镇静下来。
  • Find the right teacher! Your relationship with your teacher can affect the way you feel about practicing, so arrange for a trial period of a few weeks to find out if there's a good fit. Parents, especially--pay attention! 找一位对路的老师!你和老师之间的关系会影响到你在练习时的感觉,花几周的时间好好找适合的老师。父母们一定要有注意。
  • If you are shy, practice playing in front of your family and friends. They will enjoy it and in time, so will you. 如果你很害羞,那就得多在你的亲朋好友前练习。他们会喜欢你的演奏的,你也会很愉快。
  • Learning music theory is fun and is the best way to become a great musician, whether you want to play classical, jazz or pop. 学习乐理是很有趣的,这也是成为演奏家的最好方法,无论你想弹流行、爵士还是经典。
  • Always follow the fingering on the piece (although there are certain exceptions). While some of the finger positions may feel awkward at first, following them will help you play more smoothly because you won't have to adjust your hand position because you cannot reach the next note. 跟着指法来练(虽然也有例外)。有些指法刚开始会感觉怪怪的,但你练好指法后会帮助你更流畅的弹奏,因此你没必要因为弹不到下一个音符而调整手的位置。
  • The exceptions on fingering are rare but important. Male and Female hands have slightly different shapes with the length of the index and ring fingers being different. Also if your hands are small some stretches simply aren't possible. However 95% of the time the printed fingering is right so persever and it will make sense. 例外指法虽然罕见但很重要。男女的手型在食指和无名指上有微细的差别。同时,如果你的手很少,那么伸展性就欠佳。如果你的指法95%都正确,那弹奏就很有感觉了。
  • Practice sight reading; it's an important skill. It will help you master a piece faster and give you more time to work. 练习视奏;这是个重要的技能。这样你才能更快的掌握曲子,从而省出更多的时间练习。
  • Hand and body posture are very important. Slouching gives a bad impression and having a bad hand posture will be counter-productive to your practice. Keep your wrists loose and your hands flexible. Keep your fingers at a natural curve, as if you were holding your hands at your side. This gives you more power in your finger strokes. 手和体位也很重要。没精打采的给人印象不好,错误的手型会给你的练习带来反作用。保持手腕放松和手指的弹性。保持手指的自然曲线。这将有利于击键。
  • Listen to your notes and tune your ears to the keys' pitches. This is needed on some advanced piano tests and will allow you to impress your friends by playing blindfolded! 细听弹奏出的音符,辨出音程。在一些高级钢琴练习中将会用到,这样你就可以在你朋友面前蒙眼弹奏来炫炫了。
  • Don't be afraid to really hammer out those notes in that forticiticimo section (fff). Just make sure you don't slip on the notes. Put some passion into it! Any kind of music is worthy of your passion. 别怕敲击FFF强音符。只要不滑音。多投入些感情!任何一种音乐都值得你的投入。
  • Do not keep your foot on the sustaining pedal; it blurs your chords together and makes them sound "muddy." 别把脚一直搭在延音踏板上;这样会弄杂你的和弦。
  • It is better to play too slowly than to play too fast when you are performing. Play evenly and with a great deal of care in your touch and you will sound professional. 演奏更慢总比更快要好。认真的弹触每一个键更显专业。
  • Keep a regular, steady rhythm when you are playing. Just playing rhythmically makes a piece sound a lot better. Consider buying a metronome to help with this. 演奏时保证规律稳定的节奏。有节奏的弹奏会好听得多。可以考虑用节拍器。
  • Play simple pieces by ear and make your own arrangements of them. This will help you to become less dependent on written music. When you are playing by ear, keep going! Do not start sections of the piece over again. If you miss a chord one time, you can practice so that you'll play it the next time. The main thing is to overcome repetition and hesitation and learn to play a piece through smoothly when you are performing it. 演奏你听到的简单的音乐,且重新编排。这样你就不会太过依赖琴谱。当你在听奏时,一直进行下过!不要回头重弹。如果你漏弹一个和弦,你可以下一次再练。主要是弃除反复和犹豫,锻炼流畅的弹奏能力。
  • In addition to studying traditional chord relationships (harmony), take a class in composition and listen to as much music as you can. Community colleges offer excellent instruction in music theory, history, and composition. Playing with other people in ensembles is also an excellent idea. 学习传统的和弦关系,
  • Get used to the idea that some of the pianos you will be playing will not sound that good or be in perfect tune. This is one of the hazards of being a piano player--you can't carry your favorite instrument with you. Try to make the best of things when you are playing an inferior instrument. A good pianist can usually make a bad piano sound reasonably good--although some pianos are in such bad condition that you should feel free to say that you cannot play that piano.
  • If you want to correctly use the sustain pedal, play a chord, then before you play your next chord, quickly lift up the sustain pedal and put it back down. Whenever you change chords or play notes from a different chord, "reset" the sustain pedal.
  • For Medium/Advanced players, try playing through that new piece using the chords written above the grand staff. Use your left hand to play octaves and your right hand to play the chord. Start off using the first inversion of every chord, then for a challenge, limit yourself to using only one octave and trying out different inversions of chords.
  • Take shorts breaks every so often when practicing. This will allow your fingers to recover and your mind to become better focused.
  • Don't freak out when you can't play a measure (or two). Just take a short break. Give yourself some time to clam down before you attack the problem again.
  • For medium/advanced players, eventually, you will play faster pieces that are also long. If you keep pushing on the keys, you will tire out before you even finish the first page. To prevent this, lift your fingers up higher for louder notes and move your wrist so that it "follows the notes" (as the keys you press make higher and higher sounds, your wrist gets nearer and nearer to the right side of the piano when you're facing it. Do the opposite when the sounds made by the keys get lower and lower. However, if you overdo it, there'll be no point)


  • Don't slack off. Sometimes it may become tedious, but keep practicing.
  • Don't be nervous at recitals. Just play your piece. Don't worry about how you look. Pay attention to the thing that really counts -- how the music sounds!
  • Don't buy or let your parents buy a piano when you're not sure you want to start playing it at all!
  • Never play the same melody the same way. If the composer puts identical measures in the piece, make it interesting by using dynamics or ritardandos.
  • Don't settle to just play the notes on the page. Think about what the melody is trying to convey and play the song as though it was your own - from your heart.

Things You'll Need

  • A piano (electronic keyboard's keys will be weighted differently, so best to start out with an acoustic piano).
  • Music


  1. Playing the Piano is a great skill to have in life and learning is great fun - although the first few weeks is quite an effort.
  2. Pianos can be very expensive, so if you can't afford to buy one, keyboards are an excellent cheaper alternative. There are also some great cross overs such as digital grands from people like Roland and Yamaha. If you can afford a piano, there are several criteria you should consider before buying yourself a piano. Before buying a piano or keyboard, make certain you are willing to practice for thirty or more minutes each day. If you're not, then save yourself the expense of buying the piano and books or lessons. If you have the passion to learn you can often borrow a piano from someone or get an old piano that someone is getting rid of.
  3. Arrange for music lessons with a teacher in your area. The Music Teachers National Association or the referral from a friend is a good place to start. Many schools and colleges offer piano lessons at a substituted cost. Ask other piano students for feedback about their books or teachers. Sometimes a student likes his or her teacher for the wrong reasons; for example if your friend likes his/her teacher because "he/she/the book doesn't make me work very hard," then steer away from that source.
  4. Make certain your teacher or lesson book includes time spent learning all aspects of the piano, including chords, theory, and improvisation, as well as learning pieces by note. In learning the piano, you are also learning the language and history of music. It takes time and effort to learn this "foreign language" and musical understanding means more than just playing a few pieces well. True mastery of music is a lifelong process. It takes many years to become a good musician. It's worth knowing that ANY knowledge of the piano is very helpful for singing or playing other instruments so any work you put in on the piano has positive knockon effects on your other skills.
  5. Practice every day for at least thirty minutes or more. Your fingers will "rust" if you do not play for even a week. But you may often find that if you have practised dilligently for a while a short break lets things sink in and you 'forget' some of your mistakes so holidays are OK. At first, practicing might be a pain and you might get very frustrated. As your skills grow, you will become better and playing piano will become pure enjoyment. It's best to warm up at the beginning of every practice session with some thing to get you relaxed. Some loud chords played up and down the piano perhaps a scale played starting from a slouch position and finishing sitting up straight. Traditionally lots of scales were played but these days they are not recommended as your warm up, there are some good books on warm up exercises like 'dozen a day' which are fun and mental and finger 'tongue twisters' in them. If you have a favourite easy pieces that makes a nice start. These will stretch your fingers and hands and help you play with your hands relaxed. (When you play, you should be able to see your finger bones move. Let your hand just hang and move only your fingers.)
  6. Remember that it's worth the effort and will make you a much better piano player when your teacher asks you to learn a hard piece. While there are many ways to practice, here's a good one for beginners. First try to sightread the piece without worrying if you make mistakes. Then practice each hand independently. Break the music into segments and learn the right hand part. Learn segment by segment, then connect them together. Keep practicing until you've mastered the right hand play through the entire piece. If you make a mistake, try to pick up from the beginning of that measure. Starting from the beginning each time you make a mistake will mean you learn the start of the song very well and perhaps never reach the end! Be patient, this process will enable you to get through the entire piece flawlessly. Once you've mastered the right hand, repeat the process with the left hand. Then, repeat the process again, this time for both hands.
  7. Take a new piece apart by learning one or two measures at a time, and going over it again and again. The next day do the same thing with the next few measures, and then include the last measures and play them all together. By practicing this way, you can spend quality time listening to how they sound and making sure your fingers know where to go and when. Never learn an entire piece all at once.
  8. Try not to repeat your mistakes. Playing the piano is an automatic process like walking (you don't think about each step you take, you just walk). Because of this, past mistakes have a tendency to come back when you play the piece later on. To avoid this, do the following: When you are learning a new piece, break it down into simple parts that you can practice without making a lot of mistakes. And play slowly. For example, practice each hand separately. After you have determined the fingering you are going to follow, play both hands together in short sections. Eventually put the sections together. Do not try to play at normal speed until you are secure in your fingering and notes. Then increase the speed gradually. Play the piece over and over until you memorize it and you can play fluently.
  9. Improvise and think notes. "Thinking notes" means that you know every single note that you're playing. While that sounds easy, it can be very hard. Play a piece that you have memorized and can play very well. Now, name every note that you played without looking at piano. Then, take a melody you've heard on TV or somewhere else and try to play it using your ear. Learn to know all the notes that you're playing. While playing by ear is good, it's a lot better if you know every note that you play.

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-3-20 15:28:10 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-13 18:57:53 | 只看该作者


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-14 13:18:16 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-9-14 16:49:40 | 只看该作者

Also if your hands are small some stretches simply aren't possible.




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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-14 19:30:35 | 只看该作者



因此如果您不能买一个,键盘是优秀便宜的替代方法,可以非常昂贵的钢琴。 此外,还有一些极大的交叉转移,数字大 Roland 和 Yamaha 等的人如。 如果您有能力钢琴,有您应该考虑在购买自己钢琴之前的几个准则 购买一钢琴或键盘之前, 确保你以上三十分钟每一天都愿意实习。 如果你不是然后保存自己买钢琴及书籍或课的支出。 如果您要了解可经常借由一个人的钢琴或获取的旧的钢琴激情的人是摆脱。

音乐课程安排与您所在地区的教师。 音乐教师协会或朋友推荐是启动的好去处。 很多学校和院校提供取代耗资钢琴。 要求对他们的图书或教师反馈钢琴同学。 有时学生喜欢他或她的教师错误的原因 ; 为示例如果你喜欢他/她的教师,因为"他/她/,本书不让我很努力工作"然后脱离的源。

请确保您的教师或课本书包括学习的钢琴的各个方面所用的时间,包括弦、 理论及即兴创作,以及学习注释块。 兴趣钢琴你还在学习语言和音乐史。 花费的时间和精力来学习这门外语和音乐的理解是指不仅打好一些。 终身的过程的音乐的真正掌握。 需要花费几年,成为一个良好的音乐家。 这是值得知道钢琴的所有知识都是很有帮助的歌唱或播放其他文书放钢琴,任何工作已对您的其它技能积极 knockon 影响。

每天最少三十分钟或以上的练习。 你的手指会"生锈"如果你不甚至一周播放。 但是,您经常会发现是否您已实行 dilligently 一段小休允许库的东西,忘的一些您的错误,假日是确定。 在第一次,练习会痛,并且您可能会非常沮丧。 随着您的技能你会变得更好和钢琴将成为纯粹的乐趣。 这是一些东西,使您可以轻松的最好的预热在每个实践开始会话。 向上和向下钢琴演奏一些大声弦也许一个规模播放 slouch 位置开始和完成熬夜直。 传统上规模很多,发挥这几天,他们不推荐为你温暖,但所温暖了打一天',有趣和精神和手指舌 twisters,在他们的工作上有一些好书 如果您有最喜欢的简单块一个美好的开始使。 这将扩展您的手和手指,并帮助您玩你的双手放松。 (当您播放您应能够看到骨骼移动的手指。 让你的手就挂起,并将只是你的手指)。

请记住它值得付出的努力,并会让你多一个更好的钢琴玩家时,老师要求您了解一块硬。 虽然很多方面的做法,这是一个好的初学者。 首先尝试 sightread 件不担心若你犯错。 然后独立实践一手。 音乐拆分为片段,并了解右手部分。 学习段段,然后一起连接。 继续实施之前您已经掌握了整条通过的右手播放。 如果你错尝试从该度量值的开头。 开始从一开始出了错每次将是您非常了解这首歌的开始,并可能永远不到达最终 ! 耐心,这一过程将使您能通过整张完美。 一旦您已经掌握了右边,重复该过程,用左手。 然后,重复该过程,这次的双。

把一项新拆开学习在一个的时间的一个或两种措施和一次又一次将对该。 第二天做同样的事,在未来的几个措施,然后包括最后的措施并播放它们都聚集。 只要这种方式,您可以花听取他们的声音的质量时间,并确保你的手指知道去哪当。 永远不会了解一整件同时。

不能重复你的错误的尝试。 钢琴演奏是一个自动的过程,如散步 (你别想你把每个步骤您只需步行) 时 因此,过去的错误有来玩稍后件时,返回的倾向。 要避免此问题,请执行下列操作: 当学习新打破这为简单的部分,而无须作出大量的错误,您可以练习。 与慢慢地播放。 分别对每手,例如练习。 确定要遵循的指进后,这两个游戏手一起短路段。 最终把部分放。 不要发挥正常的速度,直到您安全在你指进和注释中进行尝试。 然后逐步加快。 反复播放块,直到您记住它,您可以播放一口流利。

即兴,认为附注。 "思维说明"意味着要知道在每个单个的注意,您要播放。 这听起来很容易时,它可以是很难。 播放一件,您已记住并可以很好的发挥。 现在,命名为每个注意,您不看钢琴演奏。 就您听说过在电视上或其他地方,并尝试播放它使用耳朵的旋律。 知道你在游戏中的所有备注学会。 时播放的耳是很好,是更好如果您知道每个注意,播放。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-14 21:44:39 | 只看该作者



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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-15 08:57:39 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-15 15:45:10 | 只看该作者
以下是引用 大唐小子 在(2009-9-14 19:30:35)的发言



因此如果您不能买一个,键盘是优秀便宜的替代方法,可以非常昂贵的钢琴。 此外,还有一些极大的交叉转移,数字大 Roland 和 Yamaha 等的人如。 如果您有能力钢琴,有您应该考虑在购买自己钢琴之前的几个准则 购买一钢琴或键盘之前, 确保你以上三十分钟每一天都愿意实习。 如果你不是然后保存自己买钢琴及书籍或课的支出。 如果您要了解可经常借由一个人的钢琴或获取的旧的钢琴激情的人是摆脱。



  1. Playing the Piano is a great skill to have in life and learning is great fun - although the first few weeks is quite an effort.
  2. Pianos can be very expensive, so if you can't afford to buy one, keyboards are an excellent cheaper alternative. There are also some great cross overs such as digital grands from people like Roland and Yamaha. If you can afford a piano, there are several criteria you should consider before buying yourself a piano. Before buying a piano or keyboard, make certain you are willing to practice for thirty or more minutes each day. If you're not, then save yourself the expense of buying the piano and books or lessons. If you have the passion to learn you can often borrow a piano from someone or get an old piano that someone is getting rid of.


1、 弹钢琴是一生中的一件非同寻常的技巧,学琴是一件很有乐趣的事,但开始的几周需要付出极大的努力。

2、 钢琴十分昂贵,如果现在买不起的话,不妨用很便宜的键盘替代。当然也可以用其他人的如罗兰和雅马哈的数码大钢琴。




「该帖子被 wadaxi 在 2009-9-15 15:47:39 编辑过」
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-16 20:55:58 | 只看该作者


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-9-17 09:32:58 | 只看该作者


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-8 14:52:54 | 只看该作者


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-8 15:23:09 | 只看该作者



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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-8 18:26:09 | 只看该作者


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-8 22:59:39 | 只看该作者


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-10 13:16:16 | 只看该作者


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使用道具 举报

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